Business Loan Investment F
SDA Housing Developments Bridging Finance
As per this offer we are seeking investors to take part in a wholesale investment opportunity. We are looking to raise $5,000,000 to be used as bridging finance for SDA Housing developments. All projects have finance secured and the lot has been paid for by the owner. This is a high-yielding, secure, short-term (6 months) investment that currently yields 10.4% p.a. for our investors.
The minimum investment amount is $50,000.00 AUD
This product is available to wholesale investors only
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Boss Private Capital has appointed an Australian Financial Services Licensee, Guardian Securities Limited, for the issue of units on behalf of the company under 911A (2) (b) of the Corporations Act.
The AFS licensee will hold all application money in a designated bank account until the minimum subscription is reached. When the minimum subscription has been reached, the AFS Licensee will transfer the funds to the Trust, who will then advance the funds to the developer in exchange for a Preferred Equity shareholding in the development company.
Boss Private Capital believes that the fund on offer provides an attractive opportunity for investors and invite you to participate in this exciting investment opportunity.
Issuer of the IM and units
Boss Private Capital No.1 Pty Ltd ACN 616 510 000 (Company) as trustee for Boss Private Capital No.1 Trust.
To raise $2,540,000 from a maximum of twenty five (25) Eligible Investors through the issue of Units by the Company as Trustee. The Company will advance the funds to 158A Croudace Road Pty Ltd ACN 164 170 754 (Development Company) to purchase the Land in exchange for Preference Shares in the Development Company.
Nature of Investment
Funds raised under this offer will be used to assist with the development of the site situated at 158a & 164 Croudace Road, Elermore Vale, Newcastle NSW 2287 (Land) for 28 townhouses to be constructed on the Land (Project).
Minimum Investment
Minimum Subscription per Investor is $100,000.
Maximum Subscription
​The Company is seeking to raise $2,540,000 from this issue of 2,540,000 Units in the Trust at an issue price of $1.00 per Unit.
The Company in its sole discretion may increase the Maximum Subscription Amount or offer additional Units.
Minimum Subscription
$1,500,000 being the issue of 1,500,000 Units in the Trust at an issue price of $1.00.
Amount raised is less than the maximum Subscription
If less than the Maximum Subscription is raised, the difference between the Maximum Subscription and funds raised under this IM may be provided by a mezzanine lender or further equity from the developer.
Term of the Offer
18 months from the date of issue of the Units in the Trust.
Who can invest
The Offer is only available to persons who qualify as wholesale clients (as defined in section 761G of the Corporations Act) or sophisticated investors (as defined in section 761GA of the Corporations Act) (collectively, Eligible Investors).
Projected Returns
29.10%, including Management fees is the projected Return on Equity . By the Company holding the Preference Shares in the Developer, the Eligible Investors shall be entitled to preferential return of capital ahead of ordinary shareholders, plus a 50% share of the after tax Total Development Profit payable by way of dividends on completion and sale of the developed lots.
Obligations of the Company
The developer will redeem the Preference Shares after completion and sale of the Project by funds received from the net sales proceeds (after GST & selling costs) of all of the completed townhouses.
Net sale proceeds from the Project will be used to firstly repay the construction loan, unpaid Project costs and income tax, secondly to return 99 cents per share to the Preference Shareholders, thirdly to pay dividends representing 50% of the after tax Total Development Profit to Preference Shareholders and pay the remaining 50% of the after tax Total Development Profit to the Ordinary Shareholder, fourthly redeem the Preference Shares for remaining 1 cent per share and fifthly redeem the Ordinary Shares.
The Company will distribute the proceeds, net of the Manager’s fees, to the Unitholders according to the Trust Deed.
Treelight Developments Group Pty Ltd (“TDG”) ACN 134 693 646. A company associated with the land owner, 158a Croudace Road Pty Ltd, and Mr Jon Simpson.
Security Document
About the Issuer
Boss Private Capital is a boutique property investment house financing strategic opportunities across property sectors in major cities and growth areas of Australia.
With a strong focus on data and trend analysis, we seek out investments that are ahead of the market, driven by design and aligned with future growth - ultimately building both knowledge and financial capital.
Boss Private Capital executes a strategic and disciplined approach for our wholesale, sophisticated and institutional investors and invest our own capital alongside our clients.
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